Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page! Here, we've compiled answers to some of the most common questions we receive about Jamboree. Whether you're looking for more information about our camp, the fees, or what to pack, this section is designed to provide quick and clear responses to help you find the information you need.

If you don't find the answer to your question here, feel free to reach out to our Jamboree team for further assistance at:

    • Youth – Australian Girl Guide Members aged 10-17 by 1st September 2025 and not 18 years old by 5th October 2025.

    • International Girl Guides/Girl Scouts aged 14-17 years by 1st September 2025.

    • Adult - Registered Adult Members 18 years+ of a State Girl Guides Organisations or other National Girl Guide/Girl Scout Organisations.

  • The Inclusion and Access Team Manager and Welfare Team Manager, along with their teams will work with all participants who have identified additional needs to ensure all requirements are met before, on arrival and during Australian Jamboree 2025.

    The Catering Manager and her team will work with participants who have dietary requirements to ensure everyone is adequately fed.

  • Unfortunately, no. Only via the systems on the web link.

  • All meals will be fully catered for the duration of Jamboree. All dietary requirements listed on application forms will be catered for.

  • Adults will be provided with their volunteer roster for Jamboree prior to attending Jamboree. This roster will include the times that they need to provide support to either support services OR program support during Jamboree (Subcamps will be provided a separate roster that meets their supervision requirements). When an adult member is not rostered on, they will have the option to partake in programmed activities as offered.

    Adult members will also have the opportunity during their rostered times off to explore the beautiful Murwillumbah and surrounds at their own leisure.

  • International Registrations will open soon. Please check with your Member Organisation for more information.

  • Only adult members of State Girl Guide Organisations and National Girl Guides/Girl Scout Organisations can volunteer.

    Exceptions will be made for pre-arranged inclusion and wellbeing occurrences for carers and special needs.

  • No, there is no opportunity in the fun, action-packed week for parents to visit or join any activities. They can join the adventures through our social media and other broadcasts and relive the experiences when their traveller returns home.

  • If this is put on your application, we will ensure that you are put in the appropriate location onsite with power to your campsite.

  • All youth will be required to complete a minimum of 6 nights under canvas and Trefoil Camping 2 before attending Jamboree. This will be regulated by States/Regions. As part of your 6 nights this can be from previous camps in the last 2 years to make up your 6 nights.

  • Yes, a Pre-Jamboree Challenge will be launched soon.

  • There will be no part time youth participants.

    Part time adult participant roles will be advertised soon if required.

  • LIC’s of subcamps will hold ‘Camp in Established Sites’ qualification.

    The Wellbeing Team will hold Mental Health First Aid.

  • Details have not yet been provided for State Contingent Fees. Please check back soon for more information.

  • Please refer to the size chart for all shirt size measurements.